
Collection of acronyms, abbreviations, slang, and other Armadaesque terminology that may be unfamiliar to some readers:

2-Ship: Fleet archetype centered around Thrawn with a Quasar, a Star Destroyer, Governor Pryce, and a large squadron wing (typically built around Maarek-Morna-Jendon-Dengar). Pryce has been banned and Intel nerfed making this a non-viable archetype.

AA (or AAA): Used to refer to ships' anti-squadron attacks.

Aceholes: Eight squadrons (the most you could typically fit), most or all of them unique, run with Rieekan.

Ackbar Slash: A tactic consisting of moving between two targets and firing both broadsides. This is usually a bad tactic as it means you're taking heavy fire from the enemy fleet. Sometimes you manage to get a double broadside from your MC30 into a large base ship and you cry with joy. Thematically this isn't an Ackbar slash but whatever.

ACM: Assault Concussion Missiles

Admo: Admonition

AF2: Assault Frigate

AFFM(!): All Fighters Follow Me!

AMG: Atomic Mass Games

AP: Advanced Projectors

APT: Assault Proton Torpedoes

AS: Anti squadron.

AST: Auxiliary Shield Team

ATN: Advanced Transponder Net

BC: Boosted Comms

BCC: Bomber Command Center

BH: Bright Hope

Bidding: Not using all your fleet points specifically to be able to decide if you're 1st or 2nd player. In the past, it was relatively common for some fleet archetypes (MSU, Pryce builds, and more) to bid HARD (20-25 or more points) for 1st player. Such large bids still exist but have become less common. It's also not uncommon to bid for 2nd player if you have a list that profits greatly from your own objectives. You can also big 1-5 or so points to have the flexibility to pick depending on what you face. 

Blue Fish: Raddus

Boarding Teams: Informal reference to the Weapons Team/Offensive Retros that conceptually deal with "boarding" enemy ships. Typically only works at close range and with a squadron command. Darth Vader, Shriv Suurgav, etc.

BTA: A now-obsolete combination of Avenger and Boarding Troopers.

BT: Boarding Troopers

CF: Concentrate Fire command.

Clam: Acclamator

Chirpy: Admiral Chiraneau

Clonisher: Archetype championed by Clontrooper5. basically using activation spam (Raiders originally) to set up Demo triple tap.

Comms: Comms Net

C&S: Caitken and Shollan

CW: Clone Wars (Republic vs Separatists).

DCaps: Disposable Capacitors

DCO: Damage Control Officer

Demo: Demolisher

DeMSU: MSU fleet centered around Demolisher (see MSU).

Drasnighta (Dras): The grand old rules lawyer of Armada. We owe him thanks for his diligent work and support for Armada.

Drops: Term used to describe how many deployments a fleet has. Equal to the number of ships + full pairs of squadrons. Minus whatever stuff is set aside. High drop lists have the benefit of placing their most valuable and/or vulnerable ships last. Raddus and Corvus both fuck up this core mechanic which is why they are good. 

DTT: Dual Turbolaser Turrets

EA: Enhanced Armament

ECM: Electronic Counter Measures

EF(!): Entrapment Formation!

EHB: Expanded Hangar Bay

EL: Expanded Launchers

ER: External Racks

EST: Expert Shield Tech

ET: Engine Techs

EWS: Early Warning System

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions document for Armada. Now part of the Rules Reference Guide. 

FC: Flight Controllers (or Flight Commander)

FCT: Fighter Coordination Team (also Fire-Control Team but never used)

FFG: Fantasy Flight Games

Fish Farm: Archetype centered around squadrons with the Strategic keyword, an Ackbar MC80 with a swarm of flotillas support ships, and an objective-oriented playstyle. Not technically banned, it has nevertheless faded into obscurity.

Flak: Another word for ship AS attacks (see: AA).

FT: Flechette Torpedoes

GAR: Grand Army of the Republic. Republic faction.

GCW: Galactic Civil War (Empire vs rebels).

GH: Gallant Haven or Garel's Honor

Glad: Gladiator Star Destroyer

GSD: Gladiator Star Destroyer

GT: Gunnery Team

H1: Home One-type MC80 (Assault & Command)

HFZ: Heavy Fire Zone

HIE: Heavy Ion Emplacements

HTT: Heavy Turbolaser Turrets

ICB: Ion Cannon Batteries

IF(!): Intensify Forward Firepower!

IO: Intel Officer

Interdoctor: Interdictor built to heal using Projection Experts.

ISD: Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Jerry: Moff Jerjerrod

JF: Jamming Field

King K: Admiral Konstantine

Last-first: 1st player's ship going last in round n and then first in round n+1. Traditionally accomplished using many activations and Demolisher (heavily nerfed). BTA could do the same. Personally, I had great success with Vader-Devastator. Later Pryce allowed any medium-large to pull similar tricks without the activations (a staple of 2-ship builds). Finally, Bail could allow the 2nd player to pull a similar stunt.

LFC: Local Fire Control

Lib: Liberty-type MC80 (Battle & Star Cruiser)

LMSU: An archetype centered around many small ships and a single large ship.

LS: Leading Shots

LTT: Linked Turbolaser Towers

Maarekdon: Maarek + Jendo with an ending that turns the mind of carnivorous dinos 😋

MJ (or MMJ): Maarek Stele and Colonel Jendon (and Morna Kee).

Monty: Admiral Montferrat

MSU: Many (or Multiple) Small Units, an archetype centered around large numbers of small ships.

Muni: Munificent

Nose Punch: Archtype championed by Drasnighta. Multiple Dictors with Grav Wells, combined with stuff like Gauntlet fighters(!) and slicers to shut the enemy fleet down.

OE: Ordnance Experts

Ord Porgs: Ordnance Pods

Ozzy: Admiral Ozzel

PDR: Point Defense Reroute

Potato: AF2

QBT: Quad Battery Turrets (+1 blue if you're going slow).

QLT: Quad Laser Turrets (counter 1 vs squads).

QS: Quantum Storm

QTC: Quad Turbolaser Cannons (add 1 red acc if you have a red acc).

RBD: Reinforced Blast Doors

Red Fish: Ackbar

RHD: Reserve Hangar Deck

RLB: Rapid Launch Bays

SA: Spinal Armament

Seppies: Separatist faction.

SH: Starhawk

Shrimp: Nickname for the MC30. It stuck, despite the MC30 actually looking a lot more like a squid.

Slicers: Slicer Tools

Squid: Nickname for the MC30 frigate that never caught on (see: Shrimp).

STM(!): The Shields to Maximum!

Tabling: When one player has lost all his non-flotilla ships he's tabled. The round is finished then the game ends. The opponent scores 400 (plus objective bonuses). Being tabled is bad. Avoid it.

TEA(!): The Take Evasive Action!

Team Orple: Pun. Derived from a combination of Team Orange and Team Purple. Originated from the RLB debate when FFG surprised everyone with a FAQ entry literally no one had anticipated.

TFA: Task Force Antilles

TFO: Task Force Organa

TRC: Turbolaser Reroute Circuits

TRC90: CR90A with Turbolaser Reroute Circuits.

Triple tap: Demolisher going last-first. Delivering 1 shot, then a double arc into the same hull zone top of the next round. With ACM/IO usually enough to wipe out any ship short of Motti ISD. Longs since nerfed into oblivion.

VG: Veteran Gunners

Vic: Victory-class Star Destroyer.

VSD: Victory-class Star Destroyer.

WAB: Wide-Area Barrage

WBT: Weapons Battery Techs

White Fish: Caitken & shollan

Zombie: Destroyed ship or squadron kept "alive" by Rieekan.

Zombie Lord: Rieekan

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