Monday, December 28, 2020

Romodi Dual Onagers


Being a bully, and looking good doing it

Couple of new Romodi lists today, both featuring dual Onagers. The classic Testbed-Ozzel-Cataclysm-Hondo-Vader combo. And a generic one to add pressure on the target from r2. In the bottom list, I had another version that removed Needa and MS-1 to put Rakehell on the 2nd Onager. Didn't hate it. It's possible to tweak a little on the top list to do the same, but I couldn't fit an arrangement I was 100% happy with.

THe primary difference between the lists is that the top one used Corvus & some Ints/RHD to set up a squad screen, while the Onagers do all the work. The bottom one goes squadless, making room of an Interdictor. That one is all about using the objectives, the Dictor and Romodi to set to early knockout punches.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Basic Romodi Onager builds


Today I present 2 basic Romodi Onager lists, both based on pre-1.5 lists I played early in 2020. One list with an ISD and one squad-heavy with a Quasar. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. The Quasar doesn't like other Onagers, for example. And both lists doesn't fully leverage Romodi because they have so few shooting ships. But both lists can be tweaked and both lists are fairly easy to grasp and play with, and reasonably effective.

The Onager, a double-edged sword


No, not THAT kind of Onager

It is the Age of the Onager. Forget the promise of a fair fight and range limitations, for FFG's game designers had a collective breakdown making wave 8, and all that remains is the laughter of thirsting dice gods.

Everybody and their granny is flying one - sometimes more than one. There are good reasons why everyone running Imps has to have one (or more). And reasons why ppl might switch over to Imps just bc this ship exists. I've certainly done my fair share of soul-crushing flying with the Onager, with Romodi and with Sloane both. 

The Onager is a moderately priced, even when fully tricked out bc most upgrades it wants are low-cost, one-trick large-base ship. But WHAT A TRICK!!! Shooting, not only beyond long range, but SO WAY BEYOND long range IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY, with a TON OF DICE, all of them rerollable if you've built and set up right, from TURN 1 if you can be bothered. Did you try to hide behind an obstacle? Sorry, but get MOAH dice if u do. Each element taken separately might be ok, but the ease of which it can all be leveraged together? FFG, what were you thinking???

Friday, December 25, 2020

NuLeia QuadNebs


Semi-decent attempt at making Leia work with a bunch of combat ship, including the much-maligned Nebulon B. The idea here is that almost naked nebs, only 4 pts in upgrades each, makes for a pretty decent fire line. Aux Shields team transforms those weak side arcs into something pretty tanky (with Leia it's just 1 eng command in r1).

Leia CF + the SFO to quickly switch commands if needed, give both an extra die and a reroll. You don't joke around with 4x4 reds with rerolls & Intensify Firepower! hitting the same ship, with JL ready to double arc with TRCs. The Pelta hangs back and is the least threat, but hopefully your opponent overextends trying to get to it. And if he does, Leia isn't that great a commander anyway lol...

Which I think is maybe the big issue with this list. It could be just as good, if not better, if you took Agate and made your flagship a lot beefier.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Agate SH2 & TRCx2


I hope you've had a nice X-mas eve. I certainly have. Here in Norway it's actually the 24th that the real X-mas. Christmas day isn't a thing at all. Weird, huh?

I was going to share another retro Ackbar list, but it was just too boring, so I started looking at some older stuff (well, not that old, but w8) that I tried prior to 1.5 and found this Agate Starhawk list that I've actually played - more than once. I dropped using SAdv since I knew it was going out with the trash.

The idea here is that Agate is generally awesome, the SH is pretty nice WIT Agate, and it's all about the SH1, so let's try the SH2. Rather than go 100% points fortress/max squads, I tried to leverage some TRC90s (this is pre-evade 1.5).

The original had Leading Shots, but I got little mileage out of them so switched to Ion Batteries to stay under 400...

The combination of the SH2 red flak, the title, and Toryn, makes flak awesome. The 2 A-wings delay stuff above and beyond their points. EST +  Walex + LFC + Agata means 2xBrace, 2xRedir, 2xSalvo, with redundancy and damage reduction. So. Fucking. Awesome. It's got all my fav Rebel officers. Even has room for Ezra (Ezra + Abandoned Mining is cool).

AG actually works on this, forcing everyone to take the yellow (or Infested if they haven't yet experienced the power of slugs + moving rocks). Asteroids is kind of the default yellow now, but I'd recommend AMF. The purrgil, given that 2nd player moves first + the dust fields makes for a very interesting board state. Ezra is a big boon here. But ok, Asteroids isn't a bad choice.

The main problem with this list is the TRC90s. To be useful, they have to join the fight. If they pop, that's a lot of points you have to win back. So going max squads IS, objectively better, but this is still good. Also, nuEvade will help.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Another Retro Ackbar

Today's list is another retro Ackbar list. It's got that classic Command Cruiser Defiance with Advanced Gunnery, an AF2 + a TRC90, and all my fav rebel officers (except Toryn). S&T as a minimal squadron screen. I don't think it will be amazing in the new meta (but would be objectively bad in the old one), but it's a kind of list that can win some games, and isn't too hard to fly. I guess the Onager would fuck up the AF2 pretty bad, but at least it can now cancel THREE dice at extreme range. For someone that's been playing since 2015 there is also a bit of nostalgia looking at it.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Ackbar MC75 and Duotato


So this list is an evolution of the Triple Potato list. That was something out of the past, whereas this is firmly in the present. Not that the MC75 doesn't have GT, as it's less likely to need it, and more likely to want to double arc and reroll (also, it's not a good sign if your flagship is in range of too many enemy ships). It's extra fun to actually roll the Armored version. Most of the time, the Ordnance Cruiser is the ship of choice, but there the big brother can work.

If you want GT on all ships, drop Lando, move Ahsoka to the flag, and add SFO to each potato. That's 399, giving u a 1 point bid 👅

You don't know the power of RAID pt. 2 (List building)


The true glory of raid

We discussed the rules and meta considerations surrounding Raid in part 1. With that in mind, let's look at how Raid can be leveraged (and by extension, countered):

Raid is best employed by keeping up the pressure. 

A single raid token to a single ship is an inconvenience at best. 

A single raid to multiple ships gets annoying and eats a lot of tokens.

Multiple raid over several rounds to the same ship gets annoying and eats a lot of tokens.

Multiple raid over several rounds to multiple ship might overwhelm your opponent's ability to clear raid without sacrificing dials.

It's important, however, not to just load any single ship with a ton of raid tokens, and especially not too early. A single dial clears EVERYTHING. You want raid to be on a ship when it matters, either to strip away a key token, or preferably, shut down an entire dial.

There is no hard rules, only the above guidelines, for how to accomplish this. It's something you can only develop a feel for during play. So to get good with raid, you have to actually play with raid. Sorry about that 👀

Dooku is by far the best single source of raid in the game. But even Dooku alone isn't enough if your REALLY want to disable your opponent. Nor do you always want to be playing Seppie/Dooku lists...

Which is why I propose that raid should ideally be run in conjunction with other game effects, such as slicer tools and ion cannon batteries, that further cut down your opponent's ability to use the commands they want to use.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Armada Fleet Builders (UPDATED)

It's 400 points exactly. Honest.

Building fleets without a builder app is HOPELESS.

Here are the THREE builders I know of (and 1 more I've never tried) that are actually maintained as of Armada 1.5


Fleet building made easy

I maintain this builder. It's visual and easy to use, and also has some good database functions, list filtration, and the ability to look at other (public) lists. There is also a compact version of the build wo images that's perfect for mobile.

- 100% free
- visual, easy to use
- excellent online saves
- good text export
- easy to share links to fleets
- ALWAYS up to date with new content

- has a few quirks, like you can't swap ship models and it tends to reorder your ships when you edit/clone
- missing some code to enforce stuff like double-slot upgrades, so you have to keep track of that manually
- too many adds; fucking hate that!

The Triple potato is back!


Space potato, why u so ugly!?

A while ago/back in hallowed antiquity, Ackbar GT space potatoes was a thing that held a relatively strong and stable positing in the meta. I wouldn't say it was necessarily top tier, but it was a decent all-rounder list. There were several variations, some going squad heavy (YT-2400s being a stable), some not as much.

With the changes to evade, activations, and intel, I figured it was time to give tri-potato another spin. I'm not expecting great things, but I don't think it will be bad. It's a list that can do reasonably well against a variety of opponents.

Please not that this list needs to resolve some CF commands to be fully effective. However, you don't have to use GT every round on every ship: experience has shown that opponents try to avoid the threat that is overlapping Ackbar GT broadsides, so I think Comms Net/Leia/Ahsoka should be sufficient.

Toryn is there for flak/A-wings/Counter, but if you want you can kick her out (if u do, move Ahsoka to the flotilla and give AFs SFOs). And argument can be made for either TEA! or EF! as this is a list that could really use some maneuvering flexibility. Still, DTT + IF! is hard to pass over.

You don't know the power of RAID pt. 1 (Game mechanic)


Like father, like son: masters of raid

So Raid got slagged over at the FFG forums. Again. Even the mighty Count Dooku struggles to get enough out of raid to make it worthwhile (premature to conclude IMO, I've played vs Dooku, and he's a pain in the ass). And so - not for the first time - it was suggested that raid be made better. Which is an entirely justified reaction when you perceive something as weak, worthless, or overpriced.

While I do agree that raid is weakish, I urge EXTREME caution. Even a slight boost in the power of raid could quickly lead to NPE (Negative Play Experience). It may therefore be that raid is best left as a niche mechanic, nice at times, but unable to dominate games.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Something Old, Something New, Something Out of Hyperspace, Something Blue (Fish)


I play entirely too much Empire, and when I do stray into Rebel territory, I often fall back to variations of stuff I've played before. So when I decided to brush the dust of Blue Fish, I looked at an old Regionals fleet. It had no HH, 2 GR-75, and 2 VCXs, but otherwise similar. I used strategic (I'm not ashamed) and Bail (also not ashamed) on what was a BC.

Anyway, this shifts to Profundity HH drop. The idea is that 4 activations is about enough not to give out a lot of pass tokens, and that activation disadvantage will quickly be negated by the drop - between the SC, MC75 and HH, the opponent should have more pressing matters to attend to than activation stalling.

MW and Infested are pretty much set, but the yellow is up for debate. I predict playing it 99% of the time if I'm 2nd player, so it's kind of important. The Ion Cannon is good, but Abandoned Mining could be very nice, with the dust fields and space whale movement. I'll just have to test it out and see if it works out.

Also not 100% of Leia in this build. Maybe Ezra on the Lib, and Ahsoka back on BH is a better option. I mean, I love Leia, but this build isn't that reliant on her.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

New tutorial series for Vassal Armada


I've made a new tutorial series, better representing the module as of version 4.2.0 (the next version).

For now there are 5, focusing on core aspects of the module:

1. Intro

2. Installation

3. Interface

4. Setup

5. Gameplay

Friday, December 18, 2020

Armada 1.5: The Rules Have Changed


Star Wars: Armada 1.5 is here, and with it, a new combined Rules Reference Guide and FAQ.

This comprehensive document:
  • Combines all disparate rules into one document, so no longer do you need to search for what Contain does or look up how Space Whales move in the RitR document.
  • Shows the errataed versions of all existing cards (more on that some other time).
  • Adds some NEW rules/changes old ones.
It's that last bullet point we're taking about here.

There are four key changes, all of whom have both obvious and subtle impacts on the game, some of which we haven't fully appreciated yet:

1. The Activation Game

SAdv, Bail and Pryce are gone, victims of Order 66. They will not be missed. The Huge ship pass rule went the same way.

In their place: pass tokens. In form they are the same as the SSD pass tokens, but in function they are different. 

  • Whomever has less ships get the difference in tokens - minus 1 if you're the 1st player.
  • You can discard one (yeah, they are 1-use only) to pass your turn under the following conditions:
    • The first player may pass their turn if they have activated at least one ship and they have fewer unactivated ships than the second player.
    • The second player may pass their turn if they do not have more unactivated ships than the first player.
    • A player cannot spend a pass token on consecutive turns during the same Ship Phase.

My own original suggestion to this was to ban the last ship to activate in a round from being the first to activate the following round. This allowed SAdv, Pryce and Bail to be in the game, same with the SSD, and achieve much the same. However, I actually think it's better they are gone completely, and the pass mechanic seems simple, elegant, and robust. Well done FFG.

2. The Evade Defense Token

Evade suddenly became a LOT more useful. Now you get to force a reroll both on close and medium, not just medium. Basically everyone became Mothma at close range (she's changed, drop to 27 pts and affect 1 extra dice at close).

Moreover, if the attacker is BIGGER than u, you can discard the evade (from green or red) to affect 1 additional die. So cancel 3 at extreme, 2 at long, and reroll 2 at close-medium.

This is incredibly useful vs attacks that have worked to produce a black crit or something like it, or a squadron that's rerolled 1 or more dice, only to see the attack fizzle. Obi-Wan is very strong combined with this, and Evade + Expert Shield Tech should not be underestimated.

Love this change to death. Smalls just became a lot more interesting. But I'm left wondering: with Evade buffed, why not do something with Contain, who is no the only utterly useless defense token? Not impressed, FFG.

3. Intel is the New Grit

Intel no longer hands out heavy to enemy squads. It gives friendly squads grit.

One word: THIS IS THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's how Intel should have worked since R&V. What utter bullshit we've been forced to deal with FOR SO MANY YEARS.

Suddenly small-medium squad screens can matter a little bit again (but don't expect to survive that Sloane/Rieekan ball - you'll just die slower and have the opportunity to fight back).

Truly excellent change. Truly astounding it took so fucking long. Longer than realizing flotilla spawn and unlimited relay was bad for the game. Jeeeeez.

4. Aces: Only Four there Are, No More (but may be less)

You can only take 1 unique squad WITH defense tokens per 100 fleet points (sometimes referred to as "aces"). So 4 at 400.

Uniques, such as Gold Squad, do NOT count vs this limit, as they have no defense tokens (but they have Jan fucking Ors).

Got to say I've mixed feelings about this one. Yes, it means we'll see more Biggs-Jan-balls and more TIE Int/RHD Sloane builds, but the number of different aces we'll see will be diminished

For Imps, for example, Mithel is still auto-include. Dengar is out and in with Admiral Chiraneau. Howl is attractive again, bc generic ints. Fel becomes attractive, since he can punish those wanting to kill generics. And Maarek, always Maarek. Some might do Jendon instead of Howl, or Tel or Ciena instead of Fel, but really, that's all you have to work with. Valen you'll only see in Valen+Ciena screens.

Rebels. Unlike Dengar, Jan is here to stay. Biggs to go with generic escorts. Lando bc he's just too sweet to ignore. Leaving little room for creativity. And Gold Squadron ALWAYS Gold.

So while I can appreciate wanting to bring in more generic squads, this is one fucked up way of doing it. It doesn't solve the underlying problem, which is costing/ease of command of aces vs generics. Aces are too cheap and too powerful and you can get so much more out of them with the limited number of squads you can lift in one activation.

But FFG didn't want to deal with this underlying structural issue, and instead give us this mess. Sure, we'll play with it, we've no choice, but it's not the way it should have been handled. They should have made the effort to make a Squadron Pack, with revised abilities and costs. They could even have kept the ace cap, knowing that a VERIETY of aces were competitive. THAT would have solved the issue here.

Mithel, Lord of Cheese

5. Non-recurring Exhausts

This is a relatively minor change. Basically some of the good cards - like ECM and Slicers - now cost you a command token to ready. It's not a big deal really, but it's nevertheless a nice touch.

Overall I give Armada 1.5 a B. Or an A, if you're willing to forgive the MASSIVE TURD that is the current state of Objectives in Armada. I'm not.

That all for today commanders. Dismissed.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Sector Fleet: Tarkin's Terrible 1000


Not all games are 400 competitive games...

A while back me and another guy planned to run a 1000-point Sector Fleet, but life happened and we never got to play. Anyway. We ARE going to run the battle as soon as out CC All-Out Assault is done, but 1.5 is here, and this got me looking at commanders other than Romodi 😆

Enter Tarkin. Last time I used him was for 800-point monster truck (no smalls) games. Sovereign + Chimaera and 2 Quasars to lift squads. It worked extremely well, as nothing could withstand 12 imps squads unloading 1 million blue dice over 2 activations. And the 2 ISDs gave a TON of flexibility.

So I went with that basic idea, but added a couple of Arqs. Since we're at 1000, I made them command arcs and gave them way too many upgrades 😛 I also swapped the Dictor I had last time for an Onager SD with Sunder. Mostly bc I'm tired with Cataclysm, and bc I wanna take the SD/Sunder combo out for a spin. And yeah, I realize Tarkin + Cataclysm could be a thing, but no. With the setup areas so crowded it's bad form to shoot things round 1.

But let me in on a secret: the REAL reason for running this is COUNTER 5. It will never trigger by virtue of its mere existence. But that's ok.

Objectives I think are solid. Surprise Attack kills enemy flagship early. There is no escaping 2 ISD, 1 Onager and that squad ball. Fleet In Being is maybe not THAT strong, but fuck Asteroids. I want to get 3x3 +  4x2 = 17 tokens at start lol. It also pushes fleets forward ASAP, and we want to be killing from the get-go. Infested is just awesome regardless.

I'll make sure to take pics and make a battle report once this happens.



The Vassal Clone Wars tourney is going full tilt, well into the 2nd round of Swiss.

Read all about it here:

Players, lists, and status is tracked on

Details on each of the 2 independent Swiss groups:

After 3 rounds of Swiss, top 5/7, plus 4 more players selected/drawn randomly, proceeds to top 16 cut and elimination rounds.

Vassal update 4.1.0 "Continue the Clone Wars do"

Module version 4.1.0 "Continue the Clone Wars do" is available! 


Checksum: 27f469cd

Special thanks: @Giraffasaur for tracking down obscure bugs and inconsistencies @Ardaedhel for updating Shrimpbot to handle Clone Wars lists


  • Built with Vassal 3.4.11 - the next build will likely move to the upcoming Vassal 3.5.0 (some exiting new features and possibilites there).
  • Adds final CW cards and updated cards from Card Pack.


  • Non-recurring cards no longer refresh automatically.


  • Haor-Chall Prototypes squad looks like proper Vultures (instead of Hyenas).
  • Battle Droid Reserves available in quick-spawn menu.
  • RitR/CC now have the same, updated base defense objectives.
  • Imp base/presence stickers were swapped (note that Imp base from CC actually is Imp presence from Ritr - we're using RitR definitons).
  • Focus token is now blue.
  • Some typos fixed.


  • Better quality images for remaining CW cards (Hardcell ship cards and titles, Rune Haako).
  • All updated cards from Card Pack added.


  • Command tokens on table at start.
  • Copying/deleting free-standing command tokens will generate a report.
  • Basic reporting added to free-standing defense tokens (you shouldn't need them, but if you do this is handy).


  • There are still low-quality scans in the module: upgrades, objectives, etc. These will eventually be replaced.
  • Add some functionality to cards that start with command tokens/dials on them.
  • Explore new features added in Vassal 3.4 and 3.5.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Revenge of King K

OK, so Konstantine is back, and better! Or rather, he's got the same ability, it just got easier to trigger, as all you need 1 medium+ ship and any other ship (except flotillas).

So I threw together this one, based on an old Vassal list I used for some tourney. It did reasonably well, in fact. And I think this version could do just as well.

Name: King K's Revenge
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Konstantine

Assault: Ion Storm
Defense: Abandoned Mining Facility
Navigation: Infested Fields

Imperial II (120)
• Admiral Konstantine (23)
• Emperor Palpatine (3)
• Local Fire Control (4)
• Electronic Countermeasures (7)
• Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
• Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
• Sovereign (4)
= 173 Points

Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
• Minister Tua (2)
• Auxiliary Shields Team (3)
• Disposable Capacitors (3)
• Grav Shift Reroute (2)
• Targeting Scrambler (5)
• Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
• Reactive Gunnery (4)
= 114 Points

Raider II (48)
• Skilled First Officer (1)
• Disposable Capacitors (3)
• Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
= 57 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
= 26 Points

• Ciena Ree (17)
• Valen Rudor (13)
= 30 Points

Total Points: 400

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Major VASSAL update! Begun the Clone War has


Vassal is a Java application used to replicate board games.

The Armada Vassal module is a top-down (2D) recreation of the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game.

It's not a substitute for the real thing, but a supplement, to let player hone their skills and connect with opponents across the globe!

Why Vassal?

  • It's 100% free.
  • Always up to date with the latest releases and previews.
  • Easy to use.
    • If you can use a mouse and a keyboard you're good. Simply put, every game piece has a right-click menu with all available actions.
    • As you play, you can learn hotkeys for important actions (which are visible in the right-click menus) to greatly speed up play.
  • You can automatically set up your fleet based on export from the major list builders. Very fast and convenient.
  • Lots of automation and reporting reduce bookkeeping to a minimum and speed up play.
  • Support for Corellian Conflict and Rebellion in the Rim.
  • You can play from home (convenient and safe).
  • You can save games and continue later.
  • You can log games and review them later.
  • GREAT community! Easy to find games and always friendly and casual.
  • You can join ongoing games as an observer and watch.
  • Get inspired by the lists you meet online and the talented players behind them

The only real drawback: you try something on Vassal, then decide to buy more FFG plastic to try it IRL ðŸ™ƒ


Module version 4.0.0 is available!


Checksum: cc62cc18


REMEMBER TO UPDATE YOUR VASSAL INSTALLATION (this was built with Vassal 3.4.8)


  • Clone Wars factions added: Republic and Separatist.
  • Graphical enhancements for Empire and Rebel factions.
  • Standard-sized maps (6x3) contained in the main module (no need for map pack). There are 20 maps: 10 SW themed and 10 generic space.
  • Mini-maps (3x3) moved to the main module bc of the popularity of RitR/task force games (no need for map pack). There are 5 maps, all of them generic.
  • All extra maps put into one unified Map Pack (ArmadaExtension_MapPack_4.0.0.vmdx).

  • Vassal 3.4.X (used to build Armada module version 3.13.0) broke some auto-reporting functionality. This is fixed in Vassal 3.4.8 (used to build this module version).


  • Sending facedown damage cards to the discard pile will never report the name of the card.
  • SSD can now take Salvo tokens (Local Fire Control).
  • Fixed some spelling errors in card names (but exogorth SHOULD be spelled "space slug").
  • Scatter token is no longer upside down - I bet you've been waiting for that fix for 5 years :-)


  • UNDO has CTRL+Z assigned as hotkey (new functionality in Vassal 3.4.X)
  • Spawning a command stack from ship card now sets the name of the stack = default name of the ship.
  • Many report formats have changed: Ship/Squad reports are typically prefixed with PlayerName. Changes in value (hull, speed, shield, etc.) typically follow a from X to Y format.
  • All Empire/Rebel ships now have proper images for ship models (Chimaera added as a separate model).
  • All Empire/Rebel ships have 2 alternate color schemes (the default one is always spawned from Shirmpbot and Quickspawn - you have to get these from the Pieces menu).
  • All Empire/Rebel squadrons now use a unified top-down appearance.
  • All Empire/Rebel aces and uniques have alternate color schemes to aid with identification (might tweak colors some more later).
  • Starhawk can take 6 defense tokens (Agate + Title).
  • MC30/75/80 can take 5 defense tokens (Agate)
  • Quickspawn for CW factions added.
  • Focus tokens (placeholder tokens) implemented (work about the same as Chaff, but are not removed on round refresh).
  • RitR Commander Abilites exist as game pieces for ease of reference.
  • Map Pack reorganized: It now contains maps with alternate 6x4 and 8x4 formats, as well as 9x3 (CC final battle). Additionally, there are some standard 6x3 maps with extra border area, for those big battles with lots of cards. Pack also contains some old 6x3 maps that have been retired.


  • Added new scans of damage cards with the right game text (been wanting to do that since forever).
  • All errated card images added (Rhymer, Relay, TRC, etc.).
  • Superweapon card back added.
  • Added RitR version of Base Defense objectives.
  • Some rescaling of cards to make the text more readable.
  • Some low-quality card images replaced to improve readability.
  • The module now has red/blue ignition tokens 1-3 that are flippable to change color.
  • Many tokens have been replaced with better-quality ones.
  • Pass token added (from the SSD, but looks like the new pass rule will use the same tokens).
  • Squads defense tokens can only be Brace, Evade, and Scatter.
  • Added missing strategic campaign tokens.
  • Sounds have had their base volume reduced (so your ears won't bleed).
  • Maps have the Star Wars: Armada logo in the corner (it looks nice).


  • Add proper images of CW ships once physical models in hand.
  • Replace all remaining Upgrade cards once the Card Pack hits.