Thursday, October 4, 2018

Trials of Konstantine: Round 1

Who has the manlier facial hair?

My first game is done, and it was a solid win for King K! 

8-3, MoV 213, so just 7 pts shy of a 9-2. Not quite the 10-1 King K demands, but it'll do for now :P


My opponent was West Coast US-based emfrank. His list is 5 activations of pure long-range killing power: 1 MC30 scout and 4 TRC vettes, with 2 YTs and Dash for good measure. MM commanding. Haven't seen her in a while, but she's always hard to kill. It's a pretty good list, but I think 1 less vette and some flotillas (sad to say this really) would make it even better: 5 activations just isn't enough. U need 6, at least.

Autumn Rebel Fleet option 
Author: emfrank72

Faction: Rebel Alliance
Points: 390/400 
Commander: Mon Mothma

[ flagship ] MC30c Scout Frigate (69 points) -  Mon Mothma  ( 30  points)  -  Major Derlin  ( 7  points)  -  Caitken and Shollan  ( 6  points)  -  Advanced Projectors  ( 6  points)  -  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)  -  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)  = 130 total ship cost 

CR90 Corvette A (44 points) -  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)  = 51 total ship cost 

CR90 Corvette A (44 points) -  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)  = 51 total ship cost 

CR90 Corvette A (44 points) -  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)  = 51 total ship cost 

CR90 Corvette A (44 points) -  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)  = 51 total ship cost

1 Dash Rendar ( 24 points)

2 YT-2400s ( 32 points)  = 56 total squadron cost



He went 1st and took my Dangerous Territory. I know most players consider DT a pretty weak objective for 2nd player. I could not disagree more. You get all the obstacles in the middle section of the board (min distance 5 from edge), you get points AND you can use obstacles jaina style to hide on/behind AND you can use them to hurt enemy movement. With Grav Shift it becomes a LOT stronger: you can make a barrier of obstacles, touching even. And points: either u come to me and kill my fleet, or you lose. Do you take some damage to grab tokens? Fine with me. Do you, like emfrank, detach a ship to gather points? Also fine. So yeah, it's not Superior Positions strong, but I like it more than say Solar Corona.

I did some grav shift trickery and started with 5 obstacles in front of my fleet, screening it and offering me good token grabs. He set up opposite me,  coming in hot, with 1 CR90 on the flank, intended to pick up the 6th token before flanking me.

I maneuvered aggressively, and looking at this image from start round 2 you see I managed to block his movement with all my ships, the obstacles and ISD front arc. Corvettes end up in bad places.

My 1st activation r2 my Gozanti activates my squads, taking down 1 YT-2400 and doing Mithel damage to the rest. The Gozanti moves forward, taking 2 tokens in 1 move (thanks Grav Shift) and using the rocks for cover. I then slice one of the CRs to squad, and is perfectly poised for Suppressor shenanigans. All in just 1 flotilla activation. You may now applaud my excellence!

From top of r3. His flanking CR90 can't make it to the fight in time, and the MC30 is also late to the party. I'm a little careless with the Dictor, plus emfrank rolls really well (single reds from side arcs always get a dbl, even wo TRC), so at this point I'm afraid he might charge and kill the Dictor. But if he does, I'll have a good chance to table.

Round 4. If my Dictor hadn't taken an insane amount of double arcs and HIT/HITs, I might have been able to turn hard into the approaching flankers, but as it were my Admiral had to disengage. The ISD got a late game CR90 kill, but 1 CR90 and Mothma escaped since I couldn't use Konstantine's ability.

Round 5. My fleet is disengaging, except the ISD who turns hard and speeds up. The light rebel ships are clustered, and cannot all get away. The ISD is undamaged at this point, having repaired the little dmg it took, and can't die over so few rounds.

Start of r6. Only one CR90 can posisbly get away. I blow up the other, swinging points for a 9-2 to me. But Dash got the acc he needed to kill 1 Hp Ciena, swinging the MoV out of 9-2 and back into 8-3. Bummer :D

End state was 3 CR90s dead, 2 YTs, and 5 tokens for me. He got both my squads and 1 token.
My fleet worked pretty well. Titus and Grav shift created small advantages at start. Ion batteries shed tokens and did shld dmg. ET was useful. DCaps too. Brunson+Dictor ate so many double reds. Dictor would be dead without her. ISD did ISD things. I tractored and used King Ks ability.

I'm looking forward to my next game, vs VSD+Quasar+Goz+GOz and no less than 11 bombers and Dengar. I'll be sure to take some pics!


  1. Awesome, what was your list. I probably missed a link lol

    1. This is the list:

      You could fit Heavy Ion in there, and switch to QBT on the ISD, but Ion Batteries are thematic for Konstantine. And with Engine Techs I double arc a lot, so they are pretty good.

      Name: VAT18 Konstantine
      Faction: Imperial
      Commander: Admiral Konstantine

      Assault: Most Wanted
      Defense: Contested Outpost
      Navigation: Dangerous Territory

      Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
      • Admiral Konstantine (23)
      • Captain Brunson (5)
      • Engine Techs (8)
      • Disposable Capacitors (3)
      • Grav Shift Reroute (2)
      • Targeting Scrambler (5)
      • Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
      • Interdictor (3)
      = 144 Points

      Imperial II (120)
      • Strategic Adviser (4)
      • Gunnery Team (7)
      • Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams (6)
      • Electronic Countermeasures (7)
      • Leading Shots (4)
      • XI7 Turbolasers (6)
      • Avenger (5)
      = 159 Points

      Gozanti Cruisers (23)
      • Slicer Tools (7)
      • Suppressor (4)
      = 34 Points

      Gozanti Cruisers (23)
      • Admiral Titus (2)
      • Comms Net (2)
      = 27 Points

      • Ciena Ree (17)
      • Mauler Mithel (15)
      = 32 Points

      Total Points: 396
