So Armada isn't quite dead after all. It's got a pulse, if extremely faint and slow... I don't think we can blame the doctor for thinking it was a dead horse, good for nothing but beating.
With that out of the way, this is what we know is coming:
2019 Q3, The Executor FINALLY arrives: Barring further delays, it should arrive just over the summer.
Someone claimed that FFG hinted about early Q3, but I'm not convinced. Also, we Europeans have a history of getting stuff slightly later. This could be important, because if it arrives later in Q3, it won't be on time for Euros. Whether or not that's a good or bad thing is up to you.
I have to admit I've been running this bad boy on Vassal a few (5) times. Both the Command and the Assault Prototype. I'm not sure it's up there competitively, there are some seriously limitations to sinking most of your points into ONE ship the opponent can score half points off, but it's sure fun to fly!
2019 Q3, Rebellion in the Rim: Another campaign set, same as the Corellian one, but with different format. This too is slated for Q3, and again I wonder if it will make it in time to Euros (I suspect not). If it does, I expect this to shake up the meta more than the Executor does.
As for competitive stuff, we know we get 12 new objectives, 4 of each color. Hope they are good and not just jank. From what we've seen thus far, there are references to a lot of weirdness like grav rifts, purgills (space whales) and exogoths (space snakes). But I'm guessing it will help the game, like the CC objectives.
New uniques for the R&V squadrons, including these two guys:
And, unlike, CC, we get upgrades too! We don't have a lot of detail yet, but we see that Iden Versio is straight up a Raider enhancer.
We've also seen Sabine Wren, but until we know what that mine does, color me skeptical.
But we can also see what appears to be a Vic title in the photo spread. And I've heard some rumors about Neb-B enhancing cards as well, so it looks like FFG is trying to boost the weaker ships a bit. Only time will tell if its successful, or of its just more points and opportunity costs sunk into bad chassis.
2019 Q4?, New ships: FFG has confirmed two substantial ships, one each for Rebs and Imps this year. That's a very good thing. It's been a while. No details yet I'm afraid.
2020 Q?, CLONE WARS ARMADA: That's right, we finally get 2 more factions, Republic and Separatist. This is great for the game. Not only the prequel movies, but the whole Clone Wars series (which is just now getting season 7). Tons of ships, squads and exiting characters.
All of this makes me cautiously optimistic for Armada. Maybe we can get a number of releases that keeps the game relatively exiting over time?