Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Future of Armada and this blog

This blog is no longer active. Haven't been for a while.

Armada is pretty much dead at this point. It's still played, even Organized Play, and it's still getting some kind of support from AMG, but it's not a living, thriving game anymore. More like a zombie horse that keeps getting kicked.

Nothing new, really, just a variation by degree. I mean, after wave 7, how long did we wait for the SSD? Very long. And then we got the lamentable wave 8. And finally, after even more waiting, we got two new factions, which was great... except they are only half complete factions!

But AMG's support for the game has been WORSE than FFG's. FFG actually made new expansions. AMG doesn't. They've given us some half-baked "events" and a couple new print-out cards. And I don't see this changing any time soon, if ever. So the game is until proven otherwise, dead.

I'll keep playing the game locally, sector fleet battles, campaigns, and the occasional 400-pointer, but I don't see any point in running this blog anymore.

I'd love to be proven wrong btw...

1 comment:

  1. These have been my feelings too. Do you have your eye on any other games that might take Armada's place? I've been excited for Snap Ships, tho it's a bit smaller scale like Xwing
