I've got some images from the battle that I'll add for flavor, but to better give an overview of events, I've recreated the battle using Vassal. Showing, in broad strokes, what happened. I think that's a more educational approach. Keep in mind that this report is done from memory. Ship positions etc. are approximations. Same with speeds. I've made no attempt to track damage in detail or show commands. Squadron positions are just an indication of where stuff happened when, and individual squads may have died prior to actually being removed from the simulation.
Imperial battle plan: Since our Motti player wouldn't be attending, we would put his fleet in the middle and share control of it. Since I'm the more experienced player, that pretty much meant I ran it for the better part of the game, or poor Romodi would be completely overwhelmed.
Sloane would set up on one flank, using the Onager and squads to clear the opposition, quickly going to speed 3 and hitting the enemy center from the flank mid-game, hopefully around the time they crushed into Motti and their squads were already tied up.
Romodi would go on the other flank, but not too far away. Indeed, using the whole table was out of the question, as it would make us unable to support one another. Thus, Romodi's Sovereign Cymoon plopped down next to Motti's Chimaera, and between them, they'd keep us fed with IF! and whatever other Fleet Command we might need (we ran ET! turn 2, maybe also 3, then went to STM!). The rest of Romdoi's ships set up to form a screen against the approaching flankers.
TL;DR: Motti would be the Anvil. Sloane the Hammer. And Romodi the sacrificial lamb.
Sloane's ISD-2 started in Hyperspace with Maarek-Jendon, planning to drop out of hyper r2 to herd the rebel ships into squads and Onager ignition arc. Motti put Harrow and Demo into hyper. The VSD would be perfect to launch mid-game where it could bring its offense to bear without being the no. 1 punching bag early on. Demo was the perfect counter to rebel ships dropping in behind our lines (a big worry). Romodi kept the Kuat in hyper, planning to drop it behind Sato's lines as soon as he was heavily engaged.
You know what? We actually stuck to the plan...