

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wave 8 Is Coming & Hear the FAQ Roar

Wave 8 news

This is it boys: the Executor IS HERE.

Oh, sorry. Wrong tense. The Executor WILL BE HERE. I hope.

Now, after that little joke, back to topic :-D

You've all heard the rumors: There will be a wave 8 for Armada (and hopefully more after that). It's just taking a while. But we're not salty! The Armada community is ever patient, and we NEVER cry "Armada is dead!". Not without good reason anyway.

You've also heard the FFG statement "something big is coming", which came up in conjunction with wave 7 and was hotly debated. Guys, whatever you think, that "big" wasn't Thrawn, even if his ego is a bit large. It also wasn't just a reference to wave 7's big ships and big ship upgrades. The "something big" is even larger than that: it's positively EPIC, and it's the Executor. This interpretation was recently underlined in this forum post.

Also known as Armada SKU SWM20, a product that was playtested way back (confirmed by several now-dead Bothans), but never released. It's talked about in this thread and many others, but FFG has been really secretive, so we don't have any details. Just forum speculation (also try searching the forum for SWM20).

It'll be a new base size, that's a given. You can't fit in on a Large base. Let's call it a Huge (or maybe Epic?) base. Will probably have some special rules, but I've no idea what. For example: I wonder if Large only upgrades will go on a Huge/Epic ship? In a blog post Crabbok talks a little about how such large ships might fit on the table - I agree with this; it's possible if the designers want it to be.

I don't see the problem. Do you?

From Mel's Miniatures

It will also contain a host of exiting new upgrades (all expansions do), probably slanted towards Empire officers (duh!). And of course Admiral Piett, the commander. That's a given.

Anyway, feel free to disagree with me, but as usual I'm right and the rest of you are wrong ;-)

Except sometimes I'm not... I'm just very opinionated. So take my musings with a big pinch of salt please. I've always been in the camp that thinks the SSD could be viable in Armada, given the sliding scale. And games are built on hope, right? 

FAQ news

A new FAQ is also right around the corner according to some sources. I think it was some Armada players who talked to the brother of the daughter of the cousin of the aunt of someone who knows a janitor working at FFG. TOTALLY RELIABLE!

This new FAQ will drop BEFORE Worlds. Probably a couple of weeks before, enough so that half the players won't have time to adjust/playtest properly. Good one FFG, good one ;-)

But I can't afford to go anyway, so the timing doesn't matter. I'm a bit salty (about not being able to go), but I just can prioritize Worlds this time. Maybe next year?

On a more serious note: yes, a FAQ is coming. And it will have some impact on flotillas. But I don't know what. Playtesting has been done on various options (again a lot of Bothans died to bring you this), but I've no idea what the final version FFG puts out will be.

For me personally it doesn't matter too much. And I'm not thinking about Worlds here. I'm just talking the meta in general. I've had my fun using and abusing flotillas. By now I've had my fill, and moved on, before any FAQ. And while I would welcome some nerfs and tweaks, I'm a good enough player I can handle any flotilla-abuse I face.

What a nerf could do, however, is make more builds competitively viable. That's a good thing.


  1. What do you think would be an arnament of a super star destroyer?

  2. If you add rerole upgrades it will one shot everything
